Supporting Parents, Teachers and Students

Look Whoo's in the Spotlight

Recognizing the volunteers that help make Oak Creek Elementary great!

Tracey Hill - May 2019

Our spotlight for May is Tracey Hill!  Tracey graduated from UCI and received her MBA from USC.  She has worked in film and television marketing in Los Angeles.  She has a 9th grader at WHS and a 5th grader at Oak Creek Elementary.  This is her 10th year at Oak Creek and has worked with the PTA the whole time starting out as a room mom in kindergarten.  In addition to room mom she has served as the IPSF rep, VP Ways & Means for five years, and she has coordinated the baskets for Spring Fling for nine years AND co-chaired the event for the past five years!

When asked why she volunteers, Tracey said, "I love volunteering because it lets me be part of my children’s lives. They spend more time in school than anywhere else, and volunteering allows me to know the teachers and staff, and the environment that my kids are experiencing everyday. The work PTA does is so important, not only in supporting learning, but in creating wonderful childhood memories as well.  Kids look forward to events like Spring Fling all year long. Personally, volunteering has allowed me to know my neighbors and become part of the community—and that will last long after my kids are grown."

"When you are involved, you can be the change that you want to see.  There is a way for everyone to get involved—big or small. You don’t have to chair an event—just volunteer an hour or two. You’re guaranteed to make a difference in someone’s life."

Tracey is leaving Oak Creek in a year and we need new volunteers to help fill her shoes.  Thank you for all that you have done for Oak Creek!

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